Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards - Projekty

Developing a methodology of testing - with the use of gas markers - and validating a stand for testing the emission of pollution produced by machines used in machining.

Kierownik projektu: Tomasz Jankowski M.Sc. (Eng.)

Streszczenie projektu:

The aim of the task was to develop testing procedures and technical principles for a test stand that makes it possible to evaluate the operation of machines and the systems of capturing the pollution that are connected with them, with the use of gas markers. Within this task the influence of flow characteristics in a test chamber on the parameters related to emission of pollution was tested by - observations of the flow of smoke in the source of emission of pollution with the visualization method - determining the distribution of the speed of air flow with the anemometric method. Parameters related to emission of pollution were also measured in selected machining processes - the magnitude of emission of given pollution with the system of capturing switched on and off, with gas markers - the efficiency of capturing of a selected system of capturing, by measuring mass concentration of real pollution and a gas marker in the surroundings of the studied object, with the use of gas markers. Statistical analysis of the measurement results and the introduced changes in the developed methodology and procedure of measuring emission of pollution by a machine used in machining in a test chamber made it possible to validate the test stand for measuring the emission of pollution with the use of gas markers. As a result of studying the characteristics and their analysis in accordance with the developed validation procedure for three validation cases - depending on the equipment, personnel, surroundings and measurement method - it was shown that the method is appropriate for the goal, i.e., evaluation of the emission of pollution by machines used in machining with the use of gas markers.

Jednostka: Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards

Okres realizacji: 01.01.2008 – 30.12.2010