Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards - Projekty

Developing a method of testing filtration properties of electrostatic filters charged against aerosols emitted in high-temperature processes of machining metal

Kierownik projektu: Elżbieta Jankowska Ph.D. (Eng)

Streszczenie projektu:

The task resulted in the development of a method and procedure, and the construction of a stand for testing filtration properties of electrostatic filters charged against aerosols emitted in high-temperature processes. The procedure presents the steps to be taken when setting up measuring equipment, testing, recording measurement results and describing the study results. Modern measurement techniques are the basis of the developed method, test stand and procedure. They are based on fraction counting of nanoparticles. The task also involved: - training materials on typical high-temperature aerosols; they contain source materials, a lecturer's guidebook, a student's guidebook and slides - the principles of eliminating or reducing workers' exposure to exhaust fumes, including recommendations on the principles and conditions of using and storing air filters.

Jednostka: Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards

Okres realizacji: 01.01.2008 – 30.12.2010