Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards - Projekty

An assessment of the protection against hazard of highly harmful dusts on the basis of an analysis of the mechanisms of the emission of dusts from the source and the air-flow in work areas

Kierownik projektu: Tomasz Jankowski M.Sc. (Eng.)

Streszczenie projektu:

The parameters of manufacturing machinery were analysed in selected three enterprises in which hardwood dusts, silica dusts and exhaust dusts were emitted. This was done to select different constructions of the elements of systems of capturing pollutants. The results of the measurements were used to analyse the mechanisms of the emission of dusts from different sources and the air-flow in work areas.On the basis of the results the following were developed: a method of assessing existing hazards of highly harmful dusts at workstations in industrial enterprises, principles for the requirements regarding the efficiency of air-tight sealing of sources of highly harmful dusts.

Jednostka: Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards

Okres realizacji: 01.12.2003 – 31.12.2004