Guidelines for Authors


Texts sent for publication in the quarterly “Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy” [Principles and Methods of Assessing the Working Environment] must be written in Times New Roman 12 pt font, spacing 1.5 pts, in A4 format, margins 2.5 cm.

Information about Authors

Provide the full names of all authors, their affiliations and ORCID numbers and email addresses. The exact address of the corresponding author must also be provided.


Title of Article

The title must reflect the content of an article and, at the same time, be comprehensible and as concise as possible. The title must be stated in Polish and English. In a footnote to the title, it is necessary to provide information under which project the work was created (project/task number and title) and the source of funding.



The abstract must describe the purpose of the study conducted, the manner in which the study was carried out (research techniques and methods) and the main results of the study along with the main conclusions. The description must contain a maximum of 250 characters with spaces. The abstract must be provided in both Polish and English.



Provide up to 6 keywords in both Polish and English.


Structure of the Text

Original works must include the following sections: introduction, materials and methods, research results and discussion thereof, and summary. The review paper must synthesise research results from papers on the topic. The relation (hierarchy) of the different parts of the text must be made clear:


2nd level headline

3rd level headline

4th level headline

5th level headline



Drawings, graphs and photographs included in the paper are called figures. Figures must be placed after the citation in the text (Fig. 1), and must be included in separate source files. Each image must be recorded in a separate graphic file of appropriate resolution and format (JPG, PNG, TIFF, PDF) and additionally in formats that allow editing of the object (e.g. Excel charts). For graphs, descriptions next to the x, y axes must begin with an uppercase letter, and units must be given after the comma (e.g. “Harmonic frequency, Hz”). The titles of the figures (in Polish and English), placed under the graphic elements, must be numbered (Arabic numerals). Include the name of the author of the illustration and the source from which it was taken (if permission for publication was obtained).


Rycina 1. Krzywe skuteczności uszkodzeń termicznych………………………………………

Figure 1. Efficiency curves of thermal damage of………………………………………



Tables must be made using computer technology (in Word) and numbered (with Arabic numbers) and titled in both Polish and English. Annotate where the table is referenced in the main text (Table 1). If abbreviations are used in the table, an explanation must be given in the footnote below the table. In the tables, reference letters (lowercase) must be used. The units in the tables must be given after the comma and not in brackets.


Tabela 1. Parametry strukturalne…………………………

Table 1. Structural characteristic of………………………….


If the figures and tables included in the article are not original, the author is required to obtain the necessary permissions (from the publisher or the author of the publication in question) to allow their publication.


Mathematical Formulas

The formulas must be prepared in a Word or MathType formula editor. All variables must be explained under the formula, with information on which letter designations are to be written in plain, italic or bold type.




a – number,     

ε – a fortuitous factor.



The list of references must be prepared according to Harvard British style. Items posted must be listed in alphabetical order by author's last name or title of collective work. Works by a single author must be listed chronologically (from oldest to newest). The list of literature must include bibliographic data of all works cited in the text. Titles of English-language works must be written in lowercase.

The list of literature must include:

a)      in the case of a magazine: name and initials of author(s) (in italics), year of issue (in round parentheses), title of work, abbreviated title of journal (in accordance with Index Medicus), volume, number, page number.


Jankowska A., Czerczak S. (2013). Bezwodnik octowy. Dokumentacja dopuszczalnych wielkości narażenia zawodowego. Podst. Met. Oceny Srodow. Pr. 4(78), 33–46.

Wessels P.W., Basten T.G.H. (2016). Design aspects of acoustic sensor network for environmental noise monitoring. Appl. Acoust. 110, 227–234.

b)     in the case of a compact publication: name(s) and first name initial(s) of the author(s) (in italics), year of publication (in round brackets), title, place of publication, edition designation.


ACGIH, American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (2019). TLVs and BEIs based on the documentation of the Threshold Limit Values for chemical substances and physical agents and Biological Exposure Indices. Cincinnati.

Dobecki M. (2004). Zapewnienie jakości analiz chemicznych. Łódź, Instytut Medycyny Pracy. Wyd. III popr.

c)      In the case of chapters in a collective work: surname(s) and first name initial(s) of the author(s) (in italics), year of publication (in round brackets), chapter title, [In:] title of the collective work, or [Ed.] first name initial(s), name(s) of the editor(s), place of publication, publisher, order of publication, page numbers.


Baszczyński K., Jachowicz M., Owczarek G. et al. (2021). Basic construction of safety helmets and eye and face protectors. [In:] Head, eye, and face personal protective equipment: new trends, practice and applications. [Ed.] K. Majchrzycka. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 8–67.

Marek K. (2001). Choroby zawodowe układu oddechowego. [In:] Choroby zawodowe. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, 30–158.

d)      In the case of regulations: full name of the regulation, year, number, item.


Regulation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 6 June, 2014 on the highest permissible concentrations and intensities of factors harmful to health in the work environment. Journal of Laws 2014, item 817.   [Rozporządzenie Ministra Pracy i Polityki Społecznej z dnia 6 czerwca 2014 r. w sprawie najwyższych dopuszczalnych stężeń i natężeń czynników szkodliwych dla zdrowia w środowisku pracy. DzU 2014, poz. 817].

e)      when citing online sources, include the date of citation  and the access path.


May A. (2019). Teardown: Sensirion, 25.04.2019. [accessed: 14.09.2021].


If the work in question has more than three authors, the names and initials of only the first three authors and “et al.” must be mentioned in the literature. If the work has more than two authors, the name of the first author and “et al.” must be mentioned in the text.

Examples of references in the text:

(ACGIH 2019),

(Baszczyński et al. 2021),

(May 2019),

(Wessels, Basten 2016).


Guidelines for Authors_2023.pdf



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