Misją Instytutu jest dzialalność naukowo-badawcza prowadząca do nowych rozwiązań technicznych i organizacyjnych użytecznych w kształtowaniu warunków pracy zgodnych z zasadami bezpieczeństwa pracy i ergonomii oraz ustalanie podstaw naukowych do właściwego ukierunkowywania polityki społeczno-ekonomicznej państwa w tym zakresie.
Aims and scope
“Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy” [Principles and Methods of Assessing the Working Environment] is a quarterly magazine published since 1985, addressed to employers, services and all persons responsible for and interested in preventing risks and creating a proper working environment.
The journal is a publication of the Interdepartmental Commission for Maximum Admissible Concentrations and Intensities for Agents Harmful to Health in the Working Environment, indispensable in assessing risk related to chemical agents and physical factors in the working environment and in establishing appropriate medical, organizational and technical prevention.
We publish both the source/review articles and materials of the Commission (documentation and methods of determining chemical agents and physical factors at workstations).
We are open to publish scientific articles which address different risk factors in the workplace: chemical, physical, biological or psychological.
General conditions of publishing
We do not accept articles that are outside the scope of the journal.
Publication in “Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy” [Principles and Methods of Assessing the Working Environment] is free of charge.
All articles published in the “Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy” [Principles and Methods of Assessing the Working Environment] quarterly are reviewed by two independent reviewers in accordance with the principle that the reviewer and the author do not know each other’s identity (“double blind” reviews).
“Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy” [Principles and Methods of Assessing the Working Environment] are an Open Access journal: all articles are available on the journal’s website at the same time as the publication in print.
The journal is indexed in ARIANTA, BazTech, Chemical Abstracts, Index Copernicus, OSH UPDATE + FIRE and PBN.
ISSN 1231-868X
Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB)
ul. Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warsaw, Poland
CIOP-PIB, Redakcja kwartalnika „Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy”
ul. Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: 0048 22 623 36 98, 0048 22 623 36 82
E-mail: pimosp@ciop.pl
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