National Competition of Working Conditions Improvement General information Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in collaboration with: Ministry of Economy Ministry of Education and Science Ministry of Health Federation of Scientific-Technical Associations - NOT National Labour Inspectorate Social Insurance Institution Agriculture Social Insurance Fund Trade Union "Solidarity” (All Poland Alliance of Trade Unions (Ogólnopolskie Porozumienie Związków Zawodowych OPZZ) organize: NATIONAL COMPETITION FOR WORKING CONDITIONS IMPROVEMENT

Competition Categories:
- Category A:
- technical and organizational solutions applied in practice
- Category B:
- research on occupational safety and hygiene as well as ergonomics aiming to improve: working conditions, including safety and health protection, applicable in practice.
The objective of the competition is to inspire and to disseminate research work and technical and organizational solutions which lead to the improvement of working conditions, safety of work and protection of man in the working environment - covering the greatest possible number of both enterprises and workers – by improving the existing or introducing new methods of hazard and occupational risk assessment, new constructions, technologies, equipment and materials as well as organizational solutions.
Further information and the "Competition Regulations"are available at::
- Secretariat of the Competition Jury – Central Institute of Labour Protection – National Research Institute
00-701 Warsaw, 16 Czerniakowska str. phone: (+48 22) 623 36 83, fax (+48 22) 623 32 64 e-mail:
- Voivodship Councils of FSNT-NOT (Polish Federation of Engineering
- Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Społecznego (Agricultural Social Insurance Fund)
- Main seats of regional authorities of NSZZ SOLIDARNOŚĆ (“Solidarity” Trade Union)
- Main seats of regional authorities of Ogólnopolskie Porozumienie Związków Zawodowych (All Poland Alliance of Trade Unions)
- secretariats of higher schools
- Scientific units of PAN (Polish Academy of Science) and research and development institutions