Misją Instytutu jest dzialalność naukowo-badawcza prowadząca do nowych rozwiązań technicznych i organizacyjnych użytecznych w kształtowaniu warunków pracy zgodnych z zasadami bezpieczeństwa pracy i ergonomii oraz ustalanie podstaw naukowych do właściwego ukierunkowywania polityki społeczno-ekonomicznej państwa w tym zakresie.
SIGNS OF WORK (O!ZNAKI PRACY 2017) is a contest for film and photography fans organized by the Central Institute for Labour Protection. It is aimed at encouraging discussion on challenges related to work safety and promoting artistic and journalism talents.
The working environment is changing day by day. We observe nanotechnologies, collaborative robotics, automation, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, industry 4.0 and also new forms of work and modern ways of communication. The world is full of chase for innovation and in the same time for security. The new contest “SIGNS OF WORK” has been created to be a story about those searches.
If you are interested in film, photography, social campaigns, advertisement, storytelling, photo and video blogs or combination of different forms. If you ask yourselves questions about processes and social phenomena which are important today and wonder what the work will look like in the near future or what new threats and opportunities are associated with modern work – SIGNS OF WORK is just for you!
The contest SIGNS OF WORK (O!ZNAKI PRACY 2017) has two categories: photography and film and multimedia.
Contest topics:
Additional field – topic of choice.
If the above list does not include your topic of interest, but you would like to take part in the contest – you can suggest your own topic. It must be closely related to work and safety. When submitting the application, please include a short justification of the topic (up to 1000 characters). This justification is a condition for the application to be accepted.
Individual participants must be under 30 years of age. Two-person collectives can also participate; in such case, at least 1 person in the collective must meet the above criterion.
Applications can be submitted until 14th October 2017. The results will be announced during the award ceremony on 22 November 2017 in Warsaw.
The following prizes will be awarded:
* The exact amount will be calculated against the final exchange rate
Regulations of the competition
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Bleaching Plant of Müller Brothers in Kalisz |
Milk supply in Warsaw Year: 1967 Author: Rutowska Grażyna Source: National Digital Archive |
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The inside of the razor blade factory “Toledo” |
Tilery in Kalisz Before the World War II Source: Museum of Industrial History in Opatówek |
More inspirational, archival photos about work from the National Digital Archive, Museum of Industrial History in Opatówek and the Central Institute for Labour Protection.
Visit the O!ZNAKI PRACY 2017 Facebook fanpage
For more information please contact: