Misją Instytutu jest dzialalność naukowo-badawcza prowadząca do nowych rozwiązań technicznych i organizacyjnych użytecznych w kształtowaniu warunków pracy zgodnych z zasadami bezpieczeństwa pracy i ergonomii oraz ustalanie podstaw naukowych do właściwego ukierunkowywania polityki społeczno-ekonomicznej państwa w tym zakresie.
Deadline for application extended till 4th August 2020
Invitation to participate in a SHORT-TERM STUDY VISIT FOR (3) STUDENTS/DOCTORAL RESEARCHERS IN THE FIELDS OF ACOUSTICS, VIRTUAL REALITY OR ERGONOMICS (BIOMECHANICS) at Tech-Safe-Bio Laboratory - The Centre for Research and Development on Work Processes and Safety Engineering, WARSAW, POLAND (21-27 September 2020*)
The Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute invites you to participate in a short term (one week) study visit at the Tech-Safe-Bio Laboratory - The Centre for Research and Development on Work Processes and Safety Engineering, Warsaw, Poland.
We offer a one week study visit (21-27 September 2020*) for 3 students/doctoral researchers who want to extend their knowledge and improve their research skills in the fields of:
The aim of the study visit is to familiarise the participants with the Tech-Safe-Bio Laboratory equipment and procedures, present research and development activities of the laboratory, encourage scientific discussion and exchange of ideas, and stimulate international cooperation, especially among young researchers.
At the Tech-Safe-Bio Laboratory researchers conduct R&D work aimed at protecting health and safety of workers, i.a. the impact of physical and psychosocial environment on workers; noise and mechanical vibration hazards; design of workplaces using virtual reality techniques and computer simulations.
The laboratory equipment includes:
In the field of vibroacoustics:
In the field of virtual reality
In the field of ergonomics (biomechanics):
More information about the Laboratory and the Institute is available at: https://www.ciop.pl/en
What we offer:
We cover travel costs (round-trip plane/train ticket), accommodation for 7 nights in a hotel, alimentation/subsistence allowance, public transport tickets, health and accident insurance and an orientation meeting including a Warsaw guided tour.
Ideal candidate:
A student (master’s studies preferred) or a doctoral researcher interested in occupational safety and health, eager to learn and expand his/her international network.
Additional requirements:
Only EU/EAA residents or candidates from countries that have signed a visa-free agreement with the Schengen Area or candidates holding a valid visa enabling them to study and travel in the Schengen Area (like Student Schengen Visa or Long-Stay Study Visa) will be accepted.
Application procedures: All candidates interested in the study visit are requested to send their CV and an optional motivational letter (up to 1 page long) clearly stating their academic achievements and interests together with the application form.
The application should be sent as ONE pdf document entitled (respectively) NAME_NAWA_acoustics/VR/ergonomics to an email address nawa@ciop.pl no later than 4th August 2020 8 p.m. CET.
The application will be evaluated by CIOP-PIB experts. If necessary, selected candidates may be interviewed online to determine the best suiting participants and may be asked to provide a consent to participate in the study visit from an academic supervisor/superior indicated in the application form.
CIOP-PIB reserves the right to contact only the successful candidates.
To obtain more information regarding the study visit recruitment, please send an e-mail to: nawa@ciop.pl
* CIOP-PIB reserves the right to reschedule or cancel the recruitment process as well as the study visit. The study visit will take place ONLY if the health and safety situation resulting from combating against the SARS-CoV-2 virus (and any related threats to the public health and safety) is declared by the public authorities as allowing for international travels, including (but not limited to) opening Polish borders for international citizens and provided the Agency financing the study visit does not ban participants’ arrivals.
The candidate must come from a country that has NOT been listed by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as inadvisable to travel from on the time of the training.
Successful candidates will be kept informed of any changes related to the above.
If, due to the health and safety situation related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus or any other public safety threats, the funding agency decides to postpone or cancel the study visit, the applicants will be informed immediately of the relevant actions.
The Project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Foreign Promotion Programme