Opis Jednostki Instytutu

Main lines of activity:

The activities of the Information Technology Division include: designing and programming information systems, practical implementation of the developed systems, training and consultations for the staff developing and using computer programs, maintenance and updating of programs, supervision of creation and updating of databases.

Another important area of activities of the Information Technology Division is the development of software for dissemination of the Institute’s scientific and research work.

The Information Technology Division among others deals with:

  • Shaping the strategy of the Institute's information technology development
  • Appropriate selection of computer equipment, taking care of the equipment and software used in everyday work by most of the Institute's staff, and information support for the employees in the use of equipment and software
  • Development and constant modernisation of the computer network, which is a necessary condition of proper functioning of every modern institution and its communication with the outside world
  • Creation of the Institute's image on the Internet WWW pages among the ever increasing global society of Internet users
  • Introduction of Internet techniques to the broad and continuously enriched educational offer of the Institute
  • Popularisation and implementation of the Institute's achievements in the form of efficient, modern and functional computer software of general use
  • Selection and implementation of the software supporting the Institute's administration and accountancy

All the above mentioned areas cover a wide range of activities and tasks carried out daily by the Information Technology Division. The result of this work is the comprehensive and efficient use of the resources offered by the rapidly developing contemporary information technology to meet the Institute’s objectives, support the tasks conducted and give their results the form consistent with the requirements of the modern society. 


  • Information Technology Division
      Manager phone e-mail
      Andrzej Biernacki, (22) 623-36-80 ab@ciop.pl
      phone e-mail
      Konrad Domżał, (22) 623-37-99 kd@ciop.pl
      Jacek Kurowski, (22) 623-36-79 jk@ciop.pl
      Michał Meker, (22) 623-37-99 mm@ciop.pl
      Robert Mielczarek, (22) 623-36-79 romie@ciop.pl
      Małgorzata Piętka, (22) 623-36-79 mp@ciop.pl
      Małgorzata Suchecka, (22) 623-36-81 masuc@ciop.pl
      Artur Sychowicz, (22) 623-46-25 rs@ciop.pl
Development and update of publicly available online information portal focused on occupational health, safety and ergonomics.
Project manager - Małgorzata Suchecka Ph.D. (Eng.)
Contractor -
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Development and update of computer software to assist safety management and hygiene at work in Polish companies.
Project manager - Andrzej Biernacki M.Sc. (Eng.)
Contractor -
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Development of computerized instrumentation and web services supporting carrying out activities in the field of health and safety for micro and small enterprises.
Project manager - Małgorzata Piętka (Eng.)
Contractor -
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