Misją Instytutu jest dzialalność naukowo-badawcza prowadząca do nowych rozwiązań technicznych i organizacyjnych użytecznych w kształtowaniu warunków pracy zgodnych z zasadami bezpieczeństwa pracy i ergonomii oraz ustalanie podstaw naukowych do właściwego ukierunkowywania polityki społeczno-ekonomicznej państwa w tym zakresie.
The Institute is the main research institution in Poland comprehensively dealing with improving working conditions according to human psychophysical abilities.
The subject of the Institute’s activity is conducting research and development works leading to new technical and organisational solutions in the field of labour protection, related to occupational safety, health and ergonomics as well as other tasks essential for reaching the goals of the state’s socio-economic policy in this field.
Principal activities of the Institute in terms of occupational safety, health and ergonomics:
The Institute is a legally, organisationally, economically and financially independent state body. There are 250 employees, including scientific staff - 68 (professors 19%, doctors 57%, assistants 24%). The Institute is entitled to confer doctor's degree in the field of environment engineering.