Department of Safety and Health Management - Projects

Costs and benefits of actions aimed at limiting work-related sickness absenteeism.

Project manager: Małgorzata Pęciłło-Pacek Ph.D.

Project summary:

The main goal of the task was to develop methods and tools for estimating the costs and benefits of action aimed at reducing sickness absenteeism in companies. Because the analysis of work-related sickness absenteeism is difficult to measure without more detailed data on its causes, which entails obtaining from employees or employer personal data or such which employees or their superiors might for some reason not want to disclose. Which is why it was assumed that the data collected using developed for the studies purpose tool will refer to the total employee`s sickness absence (excluding lost workday incident). In addition, a questionnaire was developed to study in-depth causes of sickness absenteeism among employees. A spreadsheet was developed, which was implemented in 3 enterprises. As potential benefits resulting from the implemented measures are understood opportunities to reduce costs of sickness absence. More than this, guidelines for estimating cost and benefits of actions aimed at reduction of sickness absence, including work-related absences, which aim is to facilitate planning and organizing the economic analysis of sickness absence.

Unit: Department of Safety and Health Management

Duration: 01.01.2011 – 31.12.2013