Department of Safety and Health Management - Projects

Monitoring occupational safety and health in Poland in the context of the requirements of the European Union

Project manager: Grzegorz Dudka M.Sc. (Eng.)

Project summary:

"The aim of the task was to develop principles of monitoring occupational safety and health that conform to the principles accepted at the level of the European Union. The system of monitoring occupational safety and health that is in place in Poland conforms to a large extent to the principles of monitoring accepted in the EU. The task focused on additional elements that, when introduced into that system, will increase its conformity with EU priorities and principles.One the basis of the conducted analyses conclusions were drawn regarding the direction of changes in the Polish system that would make it better adjusted to the requirements of European systems and would improve its functioning at the domestic level.New elements of the system of monitoring OSH in Poland were drafted, i.e., ""A farming accident - a statistical chart"" and ""A questionnaire survey of working conditions"". A methodology of estimating the reporting of accidents at work and calculating weighting for data on accidents at work was also developed ."

Unit: Department of Safety and Health Management

Duration: 01.01.2005 – 31.12.2007