Department of Bioelectromagmetism - Projects

Hazard assessment of the mobile devices associated with the application of the wireless communication used by workers of selected rescue and uniformed services.

Project manager: Patryk Zradziński Ph.D. (Eng.)

Project summary:

Basing on questionnaires and pilot measurements there were analysed parameters of the wireless mobile devices and the way of their use by the employees. The purpose of the study was disintegration of the electric and magnetic field in realistic using conditions, i.e. in the State Fire Service, Polish Border Guard, Police and Emergency Ambulance Service.
On the basis of these studies there were drawn up virtual models of exhibition scenarios re. hazard conditions of electromagnetic radiation of the wireless mobile devices using by rescue and uniformed services, included internal measures of exposing.
Methods of research: numeric modelling of the specific absorption rate SAR; the particular attention was concentrated on mobile devices due to their location close to the human body.
Each wireless mobile device connection effects with electromagnetic field`s exposition on worker - 40 to 95 cm depending on communication system and initial power. If a wireless mobile device is installed in the vehicle (cockpit), the exposition of electromagnetic field depends on location and way of installation of aerial on the vehicle`s body.

Unit: Department of Bioelectromagmetism

Duration: 01.01.2011 – 31.12.2013