Department of Safety Engineering - Projects

Updating maximal admissible exposure values for laser radiation according to EU requirements

Project manager: Agnieszka Wolska Ph.D. (Eng.)

Project summary:

The task consisted in analysing potential hazards related to the effect of laser radiation on biological tissues, presenting statistical data on accidents caused by laser radiation, the most frequent causes and effects of accidents and the occupational groups most at danger. Then criteria and maximal admissible exposure values listed in directive 2006/25/EC and in the regulation of the minister of labour and social policy on maximal admissible concentrations and intensities in the working environment were compared. The comparative analyses were the basis for developing documentation for the Interdepartmental Commission for Maximum Admissible Concentrations and Intensities for Agents Harmful to Health in the Working Environment including a draft of maximal admissible exposure values for laser radiation in accordance with the exposure limit values for this kind of radiation, which have been accepted in Annex 2 to directive 2006/25/EC. During the next stage of the task changes were made in the documentation on changing maximal admissible exposure values for laser radiation that follow the decisions made at the 61st meeting of the Commission for Maximum Admissible Concentrations and Intensities for Agents Harmful to Health in the Working Environment. Meetings were taken part in, at which regulations on occupational safety and health related to exposure to optical radiation were created, as were changes in Annex 2, Part D "Optical radiation" of the regulation of the minister of labour and social policy of November 29, 2002, on maximum admissible concentrations and intensities for agents harmful to health in the working environment that implements directive 2006/25/EC into Polish law.

Unit: Department of Safety Engineering

Duration: 01.01.2008 – 30.05.2010