Department of Vibroacustic Hazards - Projects

Developing of a test stand for measuring ultrasonic noise with the use of a reference ultrasonic noise source

Project manager: Witold Mikulski Ph.D. (Eng.)

Project summary:

The task consisted in comparing several sound sources in view of developing a reference ultrasonic noise source. The analysis showed that the simplest solution for a source that would meet these assumptions was a source whose element radiating acoustic energy was an electrodynamic transducer. A model and then a prototype of a ultrasonic sound source were produced. Emission of the prototype of a ultrasonic sound source was measured to verify the assumptions. A test stand was also developed for measuring emission, propagation and emission of noise in the frequency band from 10 to 50 kHz. Measuring the emission of ultrasonic noise of the prototype of the source involved defining the sound power level, the sound pressure level of the emission, defining the characteristics of directivity, defining changes in the time of emitted noise. On the basis of the measurements of the directivity index, it was shown that the prototype of the ultrasonic noise source met the assumptions.

Unit: Department of Vibroacustic Hazards

Duration: 01.01.2008 – 30.12.2010