Department of Vibroacustic Hazards - Projects

Developing a method for assessing occupation risk related to exposure to noise of call centre operators

Project manager: Bożena Smagowska M.Sc. (Eng.).

Project summary:

The aim of the task was to determine parameters characterizing noise at workstations of call centre operators, methods of measuring those parameters, methods of assessing occupation risk related to exposure to noise at those workstations and recommendations for controlling that risk. Within this task, non-auditory effects on the body related to noise were analysed, the working environment of call centre operators was characterized and hazards related to annoying and harmful factors at the operatorsʼ workstations were discussed. Parameters characterizing noise, measurement methods and admissible values of the parameters were defined. A procedure for measuring parameters that characterize noise at the workstations of call centre operators was developed. A preliminary version of a database with the results of measurement of noise at those workstations was also developed. Preliminary measurements of noise parameters at 18 workstations of call centre operators were made; the telephone receiver was considered the source of noise. The task also consisted in developing a testing procedure related to exposure to noise of call centre operators, which defined its scope, test methods, reference documents, place and conditions of using that procedure, measurement equipment, measurement uncertainty, measurement values and way of acting during the tests.

Unit: Department of Vibroacustic Hazards

Duration: 01.01.2008 – 30.12.2010