

At present, the Institute’s international scientific cooperation  constitutes a very important part of the Institute’s activity and is carried out mainly within EU Framework Programmes – the largest programmes for financing research and development in Europe. Also, the Institute participates in the activity of European Technology Platforms and cooperates with leading scientifi c institutes dealing with OSH in Europe, US and Canada, international organizations and networks as well as advisory bodies of the European Commission.




  • International Cooperation Division
      Manager phone e-mail
      Katarzyna Buszkiewicz-Seferyńska, (22) 623-36-78
      phone e-mail
      Mariola Borowska-Łukasiak, (22) 623-37-82
      Magdalena Kacperska-Vukić, (22) 623-37-82
      Anna Koržinek, (22) 623-36-78
International Scientific Cooperation

International dimension of safety

International cooperation constitutes an important and constantly growing part of the Institute's activity. CIOP-PIB cooperates with international organisations and bodies, such us European Commission and European Agency for Safety and Health at Work as well as foreign centers and scientific networks. The Institute takes an active part in international projects funded under European framework programmes such as Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe. The Institute hosts as well numerous international scientific conferences and meetings.


The Institute currently cooperates within the following international network structures:


    • PEROSH, Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health, a network of institutes involved in occupational safety and health in EU countries. PEROSH aims to cooperate and coordinate research conducted by individual institutes to achieve a healthier, longer and more productive professional life for employees;

    • EUROSHNET, EURopean Occupational Safety and Health NETwork, which focuses on standardisation, testing and certification issues;

    • Sheffield Group,  International Group of Directors of Occupational Safety and Health Research Institutes, an informal group established in 1989 at the initiative of the UK Health and Safety Executive/Health and Safety Laboratory. Group members include CEOs of leading OSH institutes in European countries, the United States, Canada, Australia, and others. 

The Institute has a long-standing cooperation with the most prominent international organisations in the field of occupational safety and health:


    • International Labour Organisation, and
    • European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, as the Agency’s Focal Point nominated by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.


The Institute employees have frequently been delegated by the Polish Government / Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy to represent Poland in:


    • Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work (ACSH), a European Commission advisory body, and its working groups,
    • Management Board of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Institute staff participate in international scientific conferences, seminars, and workshops, where they present the results of their state-of-the-art research conducted at the Institute in the form of lectures and posters.

The Institute is an internationally recognised scientific body, competent in the field of occupational health and safety and ergonomics.


International Cooperation Division

Paulina Chałko


phone: +48 22 623 36 78



International Projects