Occupational Safety Poster Competition - the 32th edition (2023): 21st century construction industry


21st century construction industry (2023)


Occupational Safety Poster Competition - the 32th edition (2022): 21st century construction industry

XXXII Competition Rules


  • Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute in Warszawa
  • Faculty of Industrial Design, Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków
  • Faculty of Industrial Design, Academy of Fine Arts in Łódz.
  • Faculty of Industrial Design, Academy of Fine Arts in Warszawa


   Competition results:

Three main prizes and five distinctions were awarded in the competition.



1st prize

Aleksandra Kortas

2nd prize

Kacper Brzezicki

3rd prize

Łukasz Kliś


Jacek Kaliński

Wojciech Kucia

Michał Łącki


Wojciech Zabel Natalia Zelner



To obtain original designs of posters promoting occupational safety and health protection of man in the working environment.



Artists – members of artists’ unions, graduates and students of academies of fine arts – in Poland and abroad.


    List of posters selected for the post-competition exhibition "Construction industry in the 21st century"  




      1. Dorota ANDRYJOWICZ – Chief Sanitary Inspectorate
      2. Tomasz BOGUSŁAWSKI – Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk (about jury member)
      3. Marta DERLICKA – Former curator of the competition
      4. Renata GÓRNA – All-Poland Trade Union Alliance
      5. Sławomir IWAŃSKI – National Film, Television and Theater School L. Schiller in Łódź  (about jury member)
      6. Jakub JEZIERSKI – Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (about jury member)
      7. Ewa MŁYNARCZYK – National Labour Inspectorate
      8. Marek OSMAN – Faculty of Visual Arts, Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce
      9. Mieczysław PIRÓG – Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław
      10. Władysław PLUTA – Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, chairman (about jury member)
      11. Bożena PYSIEWICZ – Poster Museum at Wilanow – Division of the National Museum in Warsaw (about jury member)
      12. Zdzisław SCHUBERT – The Poster and Design Gallery of the National Museum in Poznań (about jury member)
      13. Marcin STANECKI – Ministry of Family and Social Policy
      14. Wiktor Marek ZAWIESKA – Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute


   Topic of the 32st edition of the poster competition – „21st century construction industry”


The 21st century has brought many changes in the way of doing and organisation of work, but this has not changed the fact that the construction sector remains at the forefront of the most accident-causing activities, with a large number of accidents with the most serious effects on health and life.


According to the data of the National Labour Inspectorate, between 2016 and 2020, about 25 thousand people were injured during work in construction industry. The largest number of injured were recorded in the erection of new buildings and in demolition works, demolitions and renovations. Almost 44% of those working on construction sites have suffered accidents due to falling from height. Events, as a result of which workers most often suffered accidents, include: slips, falls, workers being hit by an object falling from above due to the collapse of the material factor, pulling the working people down and material factor falling on them (about 30% of those working in construction).


The level of occupational safety in construction industry is primarily due to the multiplicity of threats to which employees are exposed and from the specifics of this work. Construction workers perform their duties in exposure to: hazardous factors that can suddenly cause loss of health and life (mechanical factors, electric current, flammable materials or pressure devices threatening to explode); harmful factors that can cause loss of health or life, but over a longer period(e.g. noise, mechanical vibrations, low temperature, high humidity, incorrect lighting, wood impregnation agents, solvents, asphalt fumes, dusts); and bothersome factors that can cause dysfunctions of the worker's body after a long time, sometimes even diseases (unnatural body posture during work, lifting and carrying weights, stress).

Hazards should also sought in all irregularities and deviations from the normal organization of work. Often, these irregularities are due to the rapid pace of work and short deadlines for construction projects. Construction site is also a place where each of the subcontractors has their vision of work, employees, their own supervisory services and their own and borrowed equipment. At each construction site there is a specific organizational culture, which is the result of the cultures of enterprises whose employees execute the work. It consists of the condition and organization of work and behaviour of construction workers resulting from compliance with health and safety regulations by all participants of the construction investment project.


Modern construction processes are increasingly technologically advanced and therefore new threats arise. A construction site is a place where a whole range of machinery, equipment and construction vehicles are used. The landscape of expanding Polish cities includes devices temporarily installed on construction sites, such as tower cranes, construction cranes or mobile platforms. The availability and variety of these devices allows people to both execute work at height and move loads and people at workstations. Unfortunately, as the number of equipment used, especially mobile equipment increases, the threat to employees grows.


   Competition schedule:


7.06.2023 – deadline for submitting posters

22.06.2023 – competition jury meeting (Warsaw)

26.09.2023 – the final of the competition and the opening of the post-competition exhibition



   Competition enquiries:


Agnieszka Szczygielska – curator of the competition
e-mail: agnieszka.szczygielska@ciop.pl, tel. +48606369736

Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute in Warszawa

Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warsaw
phone: +48 22 6233686
Posters taking part in previous editions of the competition can be viewed by following the profile on Instagram.