Pracownia Obciążeń Termicznych
Oferujemy następujące rodzaje usług:
- Accredited tests:
- testing the thermal insulation of protective clothing using a thermal manikin (PN-EN ISO 9920:2009; PN-EN ISO 15831:2006; PN-EN 342:2018-01 point 4.2, 6.3);
- testing of sleeping bags for sport and recreation (PN-EN 13537:2012);
- determination of PMV and PPD index and determination of thermal comfort conditions in moderate microclimate (PN-EN ISO 7730:2006);
- determination of WBGT/WBGTeff index at workplaces in hot microclimates (PN-EN 7243);
Non-accredited tests:
- assessment of the heat load of workers exposed to cold environment based on IREQ index;
- acclimatization of people in the climatic chamber by simulating constant or variable climatic conditions in the following ranges:
- temperature: from -40°C to +70°C,
- humidity: from 20% to 90% r.h.,
- air speed: from 0.1 m/s to 3 m/s;
- testing the resistance to climatic conditions of various types of electronic devices by simulating the conditions in a climatic chamber.
We invite entrepreneurs and research institutes to cooperate in the field of:
- design and modeling of sports and leisure clothing, clothing for special applications (military clothing, for hang gliders, performance clothing);
- testing the impact of temperature and humidity on technical devices and construction materials;
- tests of thermal environments inside vehicles (cars, railway cars, airplanes, etc.);
- implementation of projects under international scientific and research cooperation.

We invite you to the profile of the Laboratory of Thermal Loads
For research orders, please contact:
Magdalena Młynarczyk, Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc.
e-mail: or