The testing Laboratories of the Institute function are part of the quality assurance system conforming to the requirements of the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2001 standard and are accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation (PCA). The scope of the laboratories' accreditation includes over 240 test procedures, covering tests of products used in the work process (including personal and collective protective equipment, machinery and ladders), working environment parameters (vibro-acoustic and microclimatic parameters, lighting, infrared radiation, electromagnetic fields, concentrations of harmful chemicals in workplace air), and human's physiological parameters in the work process.
Furthermore, the Institute's laboratories perform calibration/testing of equipment for measuring parameters related to assessing products and the working environment.
Products that create hazard and products designed to protect human are subject to certification which is performed by the Centre for Certification of Products and Management Systems. The Centre is accredited by the PCA and fulfils the requirements of the PN-EN 45011:2000 standard. The Centre carries out obligatory certification of:
- all types of personal protective equipment,
- machinery and devices, including woodworking machines and portable chain
saws for wood cutting,
- collective protective equipment, including electro-sensitive, two-hand steering
devices, and industrial ventilators,
- high-voltage insulation and protection equipment,
- ladders
Testing Laboratories Division
tel. (+48 22) 623 32 98,
Centre for Certification of Personal Protective and Working Equipment,
tel. (+48 22) 623 46 40,