Occupational safety and health management A modern approach to occupational safety and health issues, which conforms to the regulations of the European Union, requires implementation of efficient methods of systemic management in this field. Not only does an approach like that make it possible to comply with the requirements of the regulations in force but it also brings economic benefits: lower cost of occupational accidents and diseases as well as improvement in work quality and efficiency. Implementation of an occupational safety and health management system also has a favorable effect on the enterprise's image among its customers, partners and the society.

The Institute's activities:
- development and analyses of legal solutions in the field of occupational safety and health
- development, implementation and promotion of principles and methods of occupational safety and health management systems
- development of methods and economic analyses of activities in the field of occupational safety and health
- analyses of causes of accidents and incidents at work.
Department of Safety and Health Management,
phone: (+48 22) 623 46 79,
e-mail: zopaw@ciop.pl