
IREQ - thermal insulation of clothing required to maintain the thermal balance of the body at certain physiological load levels [PN-EN ISO 11079]


IREQmin - required minimum thermal insulation [PN-EN ISO 11079]


IREQneutral - requires a neutral thermal insulation of clothing [PN-EN ISO 11079]


Microclimate - climatic conditions occurring or created in a small specific space or room, all components, i.e. temperature, air movement, humidity and thermal radiation, determine the thermal management of the body and influence the size and type of adaptive responses [in Polish: Gwódź B. Człowiek w środowisku wielkoprzemysłowym i elementy ergonomii. W: Fizjologia człowieka z elementami fizjologii stosowanej i klinicznej. Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, Warszawa, 2001]


Hot microclimate - working environment conditions determined by WBGT index [Regulation of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy of June 12, 2018 regarding the highest admissible concentrations and intensities of factors harmful to health in the work environment (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1286)]


Cold microclimate - working environment conditions determined by IREQ and twc indexes [RRegulation of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy of June 12, 2018 regarding the highest admissible concentrations and intensities of factors harmful to health in the work environment (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1286)]


PMV (predicted mean vote) - an index enabling to determine the average value of the ratings of a large group of people on a seven-point scale of thermal sensations, based on the heat transfer balance of the human body [PN-EN ISO 7730]


PPD (predicted percentage of dissatisfied) - an index that determines the quantitative forecast of the percentage of people dissatisfied with heat, ie people who perceive the environment as too cold or too warm [PN-EN ISO 7730]


twc (chill wind temperature) - temperature determining the ambient temperature, at which air velocity equal to 4.2 km/h causes the same cooling force (feeling) as the real environmental conditions [PN-EN ISO 11079]


WBGT (wet bulb globe temperature) - an index for assessing the thermal strain in a hot environment. Binds measurement results of two quantities of derivatives: wet bulb temperature of a naturally ventilated thermometer (tnw) and temperature of black globe thermometer (tg), and in some cases also the results of the basic measurement - air temperature (ta) (dry temperature) [PN-EN ISO 7243].