Misją Instytutu jest dzialalność naukowo-badawcza prowadząca do nowych rozwiązań technicznych i organizacyjnych użytecznych w kształtowaniu warunków pracy zgodnych z zasadami bezpieczeństwa pracy i ergonomii oraz ustalanie podstaw naukowych do właściwego ukierunkowywania polityki społeczno-ekonomicznej państwa w tym zakresie.
Intelligent PPE system for personnel in high-risk
and complex environments
This is the official website of the i-Protect project, a COLLABORATIVE project funded by the European Commission in the 7th Framework Programme. The project was launched on the 1st of October 2009 and will run for a total of 48 months.
FP7 Work programme topics addressed: |
Theme 4 - NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies |
The main objective of the project is to develop advanced personal protective equipment (PPE) system that will ensure active protection and information support for personnel operating in high risk and complex environments in fire fighting, chemical and mining rescue operations.
At the same time the new PPE system will be ergonomically designed and fully adapted to end-users’ needs as well as to working conditions.
Scientific & Technological objectives: