NO 3/2016 MARCH

A connection between working conditions and occupational productivity
Dariusz Smoliński, Leszek Solecki

This article discusses a topic of a connection between working conditions, with a special emphasis on the issue of safety, and the productivity of employees. In order to show such a relation’s existence a method for examining the relationship between occupational safety and health (OSH) and workstation productivity was developed. This method uses commonly available tools in the area of assessing the level of OSH at the workstation (occupational risk) as well as overall equipment efficiency (OEE).

Identifying dominating noise sources at a shale gas drill site with acoustic pressure maps
Witold Mikulski, Izabela Warmiak

In recent years exploration and assessment work has been conducted in Poland in order to acquire shale gas. This article discusses identifying sources of noise at a drill site from the point of view of exposed workers. Sources of noise can be identified with acoustic maps created with an assessment and calculation method. These maps are made in frequency ranges. These maps have shown that the internal combustion engine driving Top Drive generator is the greatest source of noise in the frequency range above 500 Hz. Mud pumps are the second greatest noise-emitting type of source, especially in the frequency range from 8 to 63 Hz. Vibrating sieves The are the third greatest noise-emitting source, especially in the frequency range from 8 to 63 Hz and in the band of 4000 Hz.

Protective clothing user’s comfort – survey results
Grażyna Bartkowiak, Anna Dąbrowska, Agnieszka Greszta

Clothing protecting against the effects of hazardous and harmful factors present at the workplace makes it possible to perform work activities, which are dangerous for life and health. However, this clothing usually causes a certain burden for the body, mainly due to its weight and type of material used. Poorly constructed and badly fitting protective clothing can also reduce comfort and limit body movements.

A survey of 120 workers who use protective clothing showed that 23% of respondents reported their clothing did not fit well. The same number of respondents felt tightness and discomfort while working and 8% complained of difficulties in donning and doffing protective clothing. On the basis of the results of the survey, it is clear it is necessary to develop new methods for comprehensive assessment of the ergonomics of protective clothing.

Portable chain saws – new guidelines of harmonized standards concerning technical means of protection against contact with the saw chain
Andrzej Dąbrowski

In this paper was pointed to high injury risk caused by contact with movable chain of chain saws and wide availability for DIYers and professional users.New guidelines of harmonized standards were presented, which show limitation ways of operator access to the moving saw chain but also checking methods of agreement assessment with this guidelines. It was chosen simple safety assessment methods of machines, which can be performer by  potential users and also descriptions through suitable drawings were illustrated. It was turned attention, that in some cases to safety assessment more complicated and compiled measurement apparatus have to be applied e.g. testing stands for kickback and chain brake.

Access to discipline information resources with the use of faceted search engine
Agnieszka Młodzka-Stybel

The need to improve the accessibility of the occupational safety and health information stems both from significant expansion of electronic information resources of libraries, both in Poland and other countries in the world, as well as with the observed preferences of modern information users. Clearly focused on the simple, intuitive search they want it easy, so they can just use the single search window. It needs not to be complex, they’d rather have it “the way the Google search engine works”.

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