Developing and updating of branch computer applications and Internet websites supporting activity in occupational safety and health of micro and small enterprises
Project manager:
Małgorzata Suchecka Ph.D. (Eng.)
Andrzej Biernacki M.Sc. (Eng.)
Project summary:
The main aim of the task was developing and continual updating of computer instruments supporting activity in occupational safety and health of micro and small enterprises. Experience so far showed that one of the more efficient forms of supporting micro and small enterprises in this respect is dissemination of expertise via generally accessible, competent and free-of-charge Internet websites with concise information on OSH, divided in accordance with the specificity of the different kinds of economic activity. This also involves handy, interactive tools that are accessible on the Internet and that support basic activities in OSH. A highly specialized compendium of OSH and computer tool applications are also accepted locally if they are easy to use and adapted technically and functionally to micro and small enterprises. Both of those forms of supporting micro and small enterprises were developed by systematically developing further and updating a dedicated Internet website mostly addressed to microenterprises, which is accessible from the Institute's portal, and also by developing further and maintaining the MIKRO-BHP software, which is a simple local computer application that makes it possible to assess occupational risk at a few workstations. It also supports other OSH activities indispensible in ensuring proper working conditions in a small company. In total, three new versions of the MIKRO-BHP software were developed, 1.1., 1.2 and 1.3. They are adapted to distribution in micro and small enterprises.
Information Technology Division
– 30.12.2010