Developing and updating an Internet portal disseminating state-of-the-art knowledge on occupational safety and health
Project manager:
Małgorzata Suchecka Ph.D. (Eng.)
Andrzej Biernacki M.Sc. (Eng.)
Project summary:
Within the task the portal was modernized several times both technologically and in its functioning. The portal's software was adapted to the modernized, highly efficient equipment-software platform used in its emission. The technological optimization made it possible to significantly increase its functioning and decreasing the mean time pages are uploaded from about 2.4 s at the beginning of 2008 to 1.44 s in 2010. To effectively present and make it easy to update available materials, a few database systems were developed and launched. They support managing making information available, publishing articles on problems and information on available publications. Those systems make it easy to gather and classify available materials and to display them in appropriately developed formats that are adapted to the subject of the parts of the portal. Using the systems that have been developed makes it easy both to develop the resources of the portal and to update them, especially when the same materials are published in various parts of the portal and they can be updated automatically. At the same time as construction-technology work was done, the resources of the portal were developed, especially in the law section and the sections that make new materials on OSH and accident prevention available.
Information Technology Division
– 30.12.2010