Opis Jednostki Instytutu

Profile of activities of the laboratory


The Laboratory undertakes work related to:
°  the determination of mass and number dust concentrations working stations,
°  the prevention of the effects of occupational exposure to dust,
°  the determination of parameters of the air in the work station,
°  assessment of the effectiveness of ventilation systems.

Research work currently being undertaken in the laboratory is targeted at:
°  an assessment of the occupational exposure to fine particles present in work station,
°  protection against the harmful dust,
°  the determination of the effectiveness of filtering materials and air filters used in collective protection equipment.

The Laboratory participates in the work of  the Programme Council on Chemical Safety Data Sheets, the Interdepartmental Commission for MAC and MAI, the Expert Team on Chemical Agents and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).

The Laboratory participates in the development of computer databases and software - Chemical Safety Data Sheets, STER software and training programmes and materials, as well as proposals on legal acts.

Laboratory Manager
Tomasz Jankowski M.Sc. (Eng.)
phone: (+48 22) 623 32 68, fax: (+48 22) 623 36 93
e-mail: tojan@ciop.pl

  • Aerosols, Filtration and Ventilation Laboratory
      Manager phone e-mail
      Tomasz Jankowski, Ph.D. (Eng.) (22) 623-32-68 tojan@ciop.pl
      phone e-mail
      Szymon Kamocki, M.Sc. (Eng.) (22) 623-32-67 szkam@ciop.pl
      Piotr Sobiech, M.Sc. (Eng.) (22) 623-32-66 pisob@ciop.pl
To explore emission of nano-objects process and assessment of occupational exposure during manufacture and use of nano-materials.
Project manager - Elżbieta Jankowska Ph.D. (Eng.)
Contractor -
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The development of methods for testing the effectiveness of laboratory exhausts in the workplace.
Project manager - Tomasz Jankowski M.Sc. (Eng.)
Contractor -
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Study effects of simultaneous interaction of liquid and solid aerosol particles on the filtration system efficiency in the machining processes.
Project manager - Tomasz Jankowski M.Sc. (Eng.)
Contractor -
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