Department of Ergonomics - Projects

The study of the local vibration impact on the muscles of upper limb bioelectrical activity.

Project manager: Danuta Roman-Liu Ph.D., D.Sc. (Eng.)

Project summary:

The aim of the project was to evaluate the cumulative effect of local vibration and body position on changes in bioelectrical muscles activity of the upper limb exposed to mechanical vibrations in vibrating tools, and development of EMG signal indicator characterizing the their impact on the upper limb muscles. Thirty men took part in experimental studies. EMG signal indicators of shoulder girdle, arm and forearm muscles. EMG signal was measured in the above muscles resulting from the load while holding a body position, exert pressure and the presence of mechanical vibration. The final outcome of the project is a method assessing changes in muscles associated with their load while using tools that cause local vibrations. The algorithm of the method is based on developed within the project`s framework, the EMG signal parameters during the influence of vibration. Training materials were developed on muscle load evoked by combined effects of local vibration and uncomfortable body position, and what is more a seminar was carried out.

Unit: Department of Ergonomics

Duration: 01.01.2011 – 31.12.2013