Department of Ergonomics - Projects

Individually modified clothing to work in cold environment

Project manager: Anna Marszałek Ph.D.

Project summary:

The purpose of this study was to develop principles of warm resistant clothing construction and its individualisation for people working in cold environment as well as to produce prototype of warm resistant clothing. Within the study`s realisation there were developed rules of warm resistant clothing construction and proper technical documentation. Basing on the above mentioned there were produced two initial models, one for women and one for men. Projected clothing consists of two modules. Thanks to modern materials it`s possible to transfer heat and moisture from the body surface and module construction of the clothing enables to individualise elements due to warm preferences of the user.
Subjective warm feeling in both versions of projected clothing was better than in clothing that is currently used. Feeling of skin and clothing moisture was better in full-module new clothing in comparison to other sets.
Both women and men assessed worse currently used set of work clothing in comparison to another two sets (full set and individualised one) of new warm resistant clothing.

Unit: Department of Ergonomics

Duration: 01.01.2011 – 31.12.2013