Legal status


Infrasonic noise is a nuisance factor in the work environment. As a basis for monitoring infrasonic noise in the work environment, assessing the exposure of employees to this factor and assessing the associated occupational risk, the Regulation of the Minister of Economy and Labour of 26 September, 1997 on general provisions on health and safety at work (Journal of Laws 1997, No. 129, item 844, consolidated text Journal of Laws 2003, No. 169, item 1650, as amended) and the PN-Z-01338:2010 standard ‘Acoustics. Measurement and assessment of infrasonic noise at the workplace’.


Additional rules apply to young workers and pregnant women. Pursuant to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 24 August, 2004 on the list of works forbidden to adolescents and the conditions of employing them for some of these works (Journal of Laws 2004, No. 200, item 2047, consolidated text, Journal of Laws 2016, item 1509) it is forbidden to employ juvenile workers in workplaces for which the equivalent level of acoustic pressure corrected with the G frequency characteristic, related to the 8-hour daily or the average weekly working time specified in the Labour Code, exceeds 86 dB. Pursuant to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 3 April, 2017 on the list of burdensome, dangerous or harmful work for pregnant women and breastfeeding women (Journal of Laws 2017, item 796), under the same exposure conditions as in the case for juvenile workers, it is forbidden to employ pregnant women.