Assessment of the photochemical hazard for the eyes and skin with UV radiation in the range of 180 - 400 nm

Assessment of the photochemical hazard for the eyes and skin with UV radiation in the range of 180 - 400 nm



Program supporting the assessment of photochemical hazard for the eyes and skin with UV radiation in the range of 180 - 400 nm (the so-called actinic hazard).

The initial values for hazard assessment are:
Es – effective irradiance determined for the specific parts of the body (marked in the program as E_s), in [W/m2] ,

tc – total exposure time (marked as t_c), in [s].

Occupational risk assessment is performed in relation to the applicable admissible values, specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy of 12 June 2018 on the highest allowable concentrations and intensities of factors harmful to health in the work environment (Journal of Laws 2018 item 1286). According to the regulation, the quantity used to assess the photochemical risk to the eyes and skin with UV radiation is effective irradiation with radiation in the range 180 - 400 nm, Hs, in [J/m2]. A maximum admissible exposure (MDE) of 30 J/m2 was defined for this value.

Based on the entered values, the program calculates the value of effective irradiation of UV radiationi in the range 180 - 400 nm, MDE times, k, and evaluates the occupational risk resulting from these values. In addition, the program determines the value of the allowed exposure time during the work shift, tp (denoted t_p), in [s], resulting from the given value of the effective irradiation. Detailed principles of occupational risk assessment are presented in the chapter "Principles of assessment".

Color marking in occupational risk assessment:
green - low risk,
yellow - medium risk,
red - high risk.

The highest value of MDE times among those determined for specific body parts and the resulting occupational risk are given in the lower part of the program window.

Using the program:

Enter the value of the total exposure time t_c and the value of the effective irradiance E_s in the appropriate fields of the program, and then press the Enter