Examination, evaluation and grounds to reduce the risk of volatile fractions of the coolant destruction products used for surface metal processing.
Project manager - Wojciech Domański Ph.D. (Eng.)
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show moreAssessment of the possibility to form particularly hazardous chemicals under fire design of serious accidents in chemical storage facilities.
Project manager - Agnieszka Gajek Ph.D.
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show moreDevelopment of methods and ways of meeting the CSA requirements for storing goods in warehouses, in particular in small and medium-sized enterprises.
Project manager - Wojciech Domański Ph.D. (Eng.)
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show moreMaterials supporting the use of major accident prevention procedures taking into account changes in EU legislation and materials helping manage the risk of serious plants threatening industrial accidents.
Project manager - Agnieszka Gajek Ph.D.
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show moreThreat assessment and identification of hazardous chemicals emitted while producing of some plastics and flame retardant fabrics containing flame retardants and nanoparticles
Project manager - Wojciech Zatorski Ph.D. (Eng.)
Contractor -
show moreNew systems for the production of fire safe, flexible polyurethane foam.
Project manager - Wojciech Zatorski Ph.D. (Eng.)
Contractor -
show moreSkin protection measures against UV radiation and chemical agents in road construction
Project manager - Krzysztof Benczek Ph.D.
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show moreDevelopment of new plastics with reduced flammability and reduced emission of toxic smokes during combustion to be used in mining excavations
Project manager - Wojciech Zatorski Ph.D. (Eng.)
Contractor -
show moreDeveloping a system for managing safety in non-Seveso establishments
Project manager - Agnieszka Gajek Ph.D.
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show moreDevelopment of a programme for managing risk related to road transport of dangerous chemicals
Project manager - Prof. Jerzy Michalik Ph.D. (Eng.)
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show moreAssessing chemical hazard in footwear and leather factories and developing recommendations for prevention
Project manager - Wojciech Domański Ph.D. (Eng.)
Contractor -
show moreDeveloping a method for occupational risk assessment and indentification of harmful substances emitted in processes of processing epoxide resins
Project manager - Krzysztof Benczek Ph.D.
Contractor -
show moreDeveloping a method for occupational risk assessment and indentifying harmful substances emitted in processes of synthesis and processing melamines
Project manager - Wojciech Zatorski Ph.D. (Eng.)
Contractor -
show moreAssessment of the effectiveness of using skin protection measures in preventing occupational dermatoses in the industry and in the service sector
Project manager - Joanna Kurpiewska M.Sc. (Eng.)
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show moreProcedures for preventing major industrial accidents and limiting their effects - development of tools supporting the procedures, and development and assessment of the required documents
Project manager - Prof. Jerzy Michalik Ph.D. (Eng.)
Contractor -
show moreThe development of the principles of a system of establishing state gas standards for assessing purity of workplace air in Poland
Project manager - Krzysztof M. Benczek Ph.D.
Contractor -
show moreDevelopment of a coating skin protection measure based on synthetic hydrocolloids that protects against organic solvents, oils, lubricants, anhydrous paints/lacquers
Project manager - Joanna Kurpiewska M.Sc. (Eng.)
Contractor -
show moreInvestigation of the possibilities of using nanoparticles in the synthesis and technology of fire safe rigid polyurethane foams that are safe for the working environment
Project manager - Wojciech Zatorski Ph.D. (Eng.)
Contractor -
show moreA study of the contamination with amines and derivative compounds of the working environment and agricultural regions with solid phase microextraction
Project manager - Wojciech Domański Ph.D. (Eng.)
Contractor -
show moreDevelopment of detailed guidelines on creating safety reports for individual groups of hazardous installations
Project manager - Prof. Jerzy S. Michalik Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.)
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show moreDevelopment of procedures for testing and assessing utility parameters of ecological inflammable polyurethane foam for the industry
Project manager - Wojciech Zatorski M.Sc. (Eng.)
Contractor -
show moreDevelopment of a system for reducing the effect of major accidents in transportation of dangerous materials through metropolitan areas
Project manager - Prof. Roman Broszkiewicz Ph.D., D.Sc.
Contractor -
show moreDevelopment and implementation of testing procedures and criteria for assessing the efficiency of skin protection against the effect of harmful substances
Project manager - Joanna Kurpiewska M.Sc. (Eng.)
Contractor -
show moreDevelopment of principles and recommendations regarding a programme - integrated with a safety management system - of preventing major industrial accidents in establishments with hazardous installations.
Project manager - Prof. Jerzy S. Michalik Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.)
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show morePrediction of carcinogenic wood dust emission from hand-held power tools and assessment of the efficiency of local exhaust ventilation systems for small and medium-sized enterprises
Project manager - Krzysztof M. Benczek Ph.D.
Contractor -
show more