Opis Jednostki Instytutu


Profile of the laboratory’s activities:

The mechanical Vibration Laboratory, NA2, is engaged in the recognition, analysis and evaluation of hazards by way of mechanical vibrations present in the working environment. The framework of work undertaken includes work on new methods of measuring and evaluating mechanical vibrations, as well as research on the impact of vibration on the human body. The laboratory developed new technical solutions reducing vibration. The scope of laboratory activities includes also works on testing and evaluation of available protection means against vibration (among others testing of antivibration materials and gloves). Furthermore, the laboratory undertakes measurements and analysis of vibration in buildings also vibration and shock tests of equipment, mechanical and electronic devices. Extensive educational activities are also operated within the framework of the CIOP’s Education Centre (courses, training, postgraduate studies, consultations to OSH services, employers and employees, etc.).


  • studies and evaluation of occupational risk related to exposure to vibration
  • research on the impact of vibration on the human body,
  • work on new methods of measuring and evaluating mechanical vibrations,
  • testing and assessment of attenuation and vibration-insulating properties of materials protecting against vibration
  • testing and assessment of the properties of anti vibration gloves and selecting appropriate ones for given models of vibrating tools.
  • development new technical solutions reducing vibration,
  • measurements and analysis of vibration in buildings,
  • vibration and shock tests of equipment, mechanical and electronic devices.

Laboratory Manager
Piotr Kowalski Ph.D. (Eng.)
phone: (+48 22) 623 32 53, fax: (+48 22) 623 46 54
e-mail: pikow@ciop.pl 

  • Mechanical Vibration Laboratory
      Manager phone e-mail
      Piotr Kowalski, Ph.D. (Eng.) (22) 623-32-53 pikow@ciop.pl
      phone e-mail
      Adrian Alikowski, M.Sc. (Eng.) (22) 623-32-14 adali@ciop.pl
      Jacek Zając, Ph.D. (Eng.) (22) 623-32-13 jazaj@ciop.pl
Opportunities of using a smart piezoelectric material in the preparation of the adapter for the measurement of mechanical vibration parameters, taken into account factors relating to the work process.
Project manager - Piotr Kowalski Ph.D. (Eng.)
Contractor -
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A model of combine exposure to whole-body and hand-arm mechanical vibrations in the working environment
Project manager - Piotr Kowalski Ph.D. (Eng.)
Contractor -
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Development of a model of a semi-active system of reducing mechanical vibrations at workstations
Project manager - Dariusz Pleban Ph.D. (Eng.)
Contractor -
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