Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards - Projects
Projects List

Assessment of isolated from oil mist microorganisms susceptibility on selected biocides used as additives in machining liquids in engineering.

Project manager: Marcin Cyprowski Ph.D.

Project summary:

The project carried out measurements of harmful biological factors on the workstations located in selected mechanical engineering plant. According to data on bacterial and fungal bioaerosols grain distributions , it was found that aerosol occurring on surveyed workplaces can reach the human respiratory tract, nasal and oral cavity, primary bronchial, secondary as well as terminal bronchioles and pulmonary. Among exposed workers it can cause irritation of the nose and eyes mucous membranes, and allergic reactions in the form. eg. asthma or allergic inflammation. Assessment of isolated from oil mist microorganisms susceptibility on selected biocides used as additives in machining liquids was carried in two stages. At first, in the laboratory conditions for the analysis of sensitivity to biocides three microbial species, which meet three criteria: they were isolated from oil mist, were potentially pathogenic for humans and characterized by diverse primary resistance to biocides, were selected. At the second stage, an experiment was conducted to assess the sensitivity of micro-organisms on selected biocide in real working conditions at the plant. Based on the results, recommendations for assessment and mitigation of occupational risk from harmful factors from surface treatment of metals were prepared in a form of a booklet.

Unit: Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards

Duration: 01.01.2011 – 31.12.2013