Centre for Promotion - Projects

Application of modern techniques of transmitting information in disseminating knowledge and promoting safe behaviours in the working environment

Project manager: Alfred Brzozowski M.Sc. (Eng.)

Project summary:

"The main aim of this task was to use modern techniques of transmitting information in disseminating knowledge and promoting safe behaviours in the working environment. As a result, an extensive Internet portal for promoting and disseminating knowledge in OSH was located on the Institute's server. Seminar materials and a seminar were prepared on ""The Use of Modern Techniques of Transmitting Information in Modelling Knowledge in Occupational Safety and Ergonomics"". Activities promoting knowledge in OSH, such as trade fairs, exhibitions, conferences and seminars, and an Occupational Safety Poster Competition, were also organized.In 2002-2004 analyses and market research were conducted to determine what modern techniques of transmitting information were used in the market and hitherto by the Institute. They were also conducted to obtain opinions and information indispensable in developing the Institute's Internet service. "

Unit: Centre for Promotion

Duration: 01.01.2002 – 31.12.2004