Opis Jednostki Instytutu

Main areas of activity of the Noise Laboratory NF1:

  • recognition of the state of the hazard from audible noise, infrasound and ultrasound in the working environment,
  • developing technical and organisational solutions to limit noise at source and during its diffusion,
  • analysis of hearing protectors and developing new research methods for hearing protection and properties of protectors,
  • standardisation activities,
  • educational activities.

The research laboratories of the Noise Laboratory are included in the quality assurance system, accredited by PCBC (Polish Centre for Testing and Certification),which includes the complete set of the Institute’s research laboratories.

The scope of accreditation covers 3 procedures on the measurement of the acoustic strength of noise sources, 2 procedures on measurements of noise-insulating cabins and 3 procedures related to the measurement of noise at work stations. It also includes procedures related to the certification tests of hearing protectors.



The employees of NF1 actively participate in the work of the following groups:

  • The European Technical Committee CEN/TC 159 Hearing Protectors,
  • The International Working Group ISO/TC/159/SC5/WG3, working on problems of speech recognition,
  • The European vertical group VG-4 in CEN/TC 159 Hearing Protectors, which undertakes inter-laboratory tests on hearing protectors,
  • Standardisation Problem Commission No. 21 on Personal Protective Equipment,
  • The G4 Working Party - Hearing Protectors NKP no. 21.

Laboratory Manager  
Jan Radosz Ph.D. (Eng.)
phone: (+48 22) 623 32 99, fax: (+48 22)  623 46 54
e-mail: jarad@ciop.pl

  • Laboratory of Noise
      Manager phone e-mail
      Jan Radosz, Ph.D. (Eng.) (22) 623-32-99 jarad@ciop.pl
      phone e-mail
      Bartosz Kowalski, B.(Eng.) (22) 623-36-70 bakow@ciop.pl
      Emil Kozłowski, Ph.D. (Eng.) (22) 623-32-94 emkoz@ciop.pl
      Grzegorz Makarewicz, Ph.D. (Eng.) (22) 623-36-71 grmak@ciop.pl
      Rafał Młyński, Ph.D. (Eng.) (22) 623-32-93 rmlynski@ciop.pl
      Leszek Morzyński, (22) 623-32-97 lmorzyns@ciop.pl
      Grzegorz Szczepański, Ph.D. (Eng.) (22) 623-36-72 grszc@ciop.pl
      Bartosz Tłuczkiewicz, (22) 623-32-93 batlu@ciop.pl
      Bartosz Ziółkowski, B.Sc. (22) 623-32-92 bazio@ciop.pl