Misją Instytutu jest dzialalność naukowo-badawcza prowadząca do nowych rozwiązań technicznych i organizacyjnych użytecznych w kształtowaniu warunków pracy zgodnych z zasadami bezpieczeństwa pracy i ergonomii oraz ustalanie podstaw naukowych do właściwego ukierunkowywania polityki społeczno-ekonomicznej państwa w tym zakresie.
The library is open from Monday to Friday
at the hours of 8.30 - 15.30,
2nd floor room 225.
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy - PIB - Biblioteka
ul. Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warszawa
About the Library
CIOP-PIB's specialist library has an extensive collection of books on safety and health protection of man in the working environment. The interdisciplinary nature of the subject means that the library's resources cover almost all areas of science, both human and technical science, and also an extensive collection of books of universal nature - dictionaries, encyclopaedias, lexicons and guidebooks.
The Library collects specialist material in the following areas:
The Library's collection of books includes:
The Library's collections are supplemented on an ongoing basis with new publications, selected according to the accepted scope of subjects and the needs of readers. Approximately 50 new items enter the library each month, and are registered in an integrated ALEPH library system as "Purchases".
The library also has archive publications of historical significance from the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. The subjects of these publications include: psychology, physiology, medicine, chemistry, toxicolog, occupational safety (archive publications). The library subscribes regularly to more than 300 magazines, including more than 80 titles of specialist foreign magazines. The current list of titles, registered in the ALEPH system, is additionally grouped on the lists: "Polish magazines" and "Foreign magazines".
The users of the library are readers who are looking for information both for scientific and research purposes and for practical applications, including employers and employees, OSH services, Postgraduate Students and participants of periodic training, organised by the Institute, students and pupils. The library undertakes to expand the possibilities of access to the resources using the Internet, including the systematic retroconversion of data into the ALEPH system and expansion of the logical base, including articles from magazines.
Library Manager
Iwona Ruszecka MSc.
e-mail: iwrus@ciop.pl
Information on publications in the area of occupational safety and ergonomics can also be obtained from other libraries: