Labour protection system in Poland


Labour protection system in Poland


Speaking of the labour protection system in Poland, it is important to mention the legal sources and the organisation of the system.

Legal sources describe the legal standards effective in the field of OSH, whereas the organisation of the system shows the structure of labour protection at the level of a country and company as well as the bodies participating in the establishing and monitoring of OSH in Poland.


Legal sources


The basic acts addressing the issue of safe and healthy working conditions in Poland are primarily: the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Labour code.

The Constitution as a fundamental Act which guarantees citizens the right to safe and healthy working conditions.

The Labour code specifies the manner of enforcement of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Poland.

Issues relating to safe and healthy working conditions are also regulated by:

- implementing acts,

- acts establishing supervision and control over working conditions,

- regulations relating to other fields of the law, yet regulating issues within the scope of OSH
 (e.g. construction law, mining and geological law or nuclear law),

- selected technical standards,

- regulations established by way of an agreement between social partners.


Organisation of the system


Primary authorities responsible for labour protection in Poland

The Parliament (Sejm, Senate)      

- is the supreme public authority, with legislative and supervisory competences. It is entitled to establish laws which are the essential legal acts generally binding in Poland.

The Sejm Social Policy and Family Committee (PSR)

- its activities comprise: the shaping of the national social policy and the labour law, including: the protection of employees, occupational safety and health, equal treatment in employment, activation of persons approaching retirement, protection of women’s rights and providing them with equal professional opportunities.

Labour Protection Council of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (ROP)

- it is an authority which supervises the working conditions and the activity of National Labour Inspectorate. Its most important tasks include: assessment of the activity of National Labour Inspectorate, issuing opinions on drafts of legal acts relating to labour protection, assessment of labour protection issues on a national scale.

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy        

- issues implementing regulations in the scope of labour protection and executes matters of the government administration department connected among others with: employment and counteracting unemployment as well as the working relationships and conditions.

Ministry of Health

- the scope of its competences encompasses: health protection and organisation of health care as well as supervision over Central Sanitary Inspector.

Social Insurance Institution

- collects social and health insurance contributions of the citizens and distributes benefits (e.g. pensions, annuities, sickness and maternity allowances).