WP2: Sensors for monitoring physiological parameters

The objective of WP2 is to develop and integrate sensors for monitoring of the most important physiological parameters of the rescuers giving information about their health status and condition. The solution will be based on fibre optic sensors for measurement of the respiratory and heart rate as well as the body temperature. The sensors will be used as integrated sensors in technical textiles and PPE elements for the mentioned monitoring purposes. In order to integrate optical fibres into fabrics suitable integration technologies will be developed and underwear based on these fabrics will be manufactured. Small portable monitoring units to measure the mentioned physiological parameters of the rescuers will be also developed. Considering this, the following outcomes are expected:

  • fibre optic sensors for measurement of the respiratory and heart rate and the body temperature;
  • technical textiles including optical fibres to act as sensors for measurement of the mentioned physiological parameters;
  • underwear based on technical textiles with integrated fibre optic sensors for measurement of physiological parameters;

monitoring units to be used as portable units carried by the rescues  for monitoring of the considered physiological parameters.

Task 2.1. State-of-the art analysis and requirements for the sensors
Task 2.2. Definition of selected fibre sensor types to be developed
Task 2.3. Design of the sensors concept
Task 2.4. Development and fabrication of sensing optical fibres
Task 2.5. Development of laboratory test assembly
Task 2.6. Development, test and validation of prototypes of the sensors
Task 2.7. Development of monitoring units
Task 2.8. Integration of sensors into textiles
Task 2.9. Manufacture of underwear containing sensors for physiological parameters