Bricklaying and plastering works
Problem : Falling from altitude

Questions / observations
Activities improving the state of OSH

The use of incorrectly erected scaffolding (e.g. without protective handrails at a height of 1.1 m, curbs at a height of at least 0.15 m, crossbars in the middle of the height between the handrail and the curb, ladders in the risers for movement). Produce and install the scaffolding in accordance with the technical and user documentation, conduct periodic inspections of the state of the scaffolding.

Insufficient seating and anchoring of the scaffolding. Permit scaffolding to be used after technical acceptance by the technical construction inspector (scaffolding and hanging platforms) and confirmation by an entry made by an authorised technical inspector.
Lack of acceptance of the scaffolding for use by the technical inspector.

Working on ladders in a poor technical state, not marked with the safety sign and not having a valid certificate for such markings. Use ladders marked with the "B" safety sign and having a valid certificate providing authorisation for such marking, and in a good technical state.

The use of ladders in a manner that does not conform to their assignment (instead of scaffolding). Use ladders in accordance with their assignment, work only from scaffolding that is adapted to the scope and nature of these works.

Lack of protection with handrails along steps and stair platforms. Use handrails for steps and stair platforms that are used for horizontal and vertical movement.

Lack of protection of openings in walls and ceilings. Use protective devices to secure openings in walls and ceilings or use covers for these, e.g. fence these openings with handrails or use covers.

Are dangerous places (where there is a threat to the workers) marked in visible colours and/or safety signs? Mark dangerous places with safety signs and/or visible colours.

Working without appropriate protective equipment securing against falling from altitude. Provide and use the correct protective equipment securing against falling from altitude (e.g. safety harness with lanyard and braking device), which has a certificate for the safety sign and has been marked with this sign.

Problem : Falling onto surfaces

Questions / observations
Activities improving the state of OSH

Lack of designated and orderly footpaths for pedestrians and traffic routes. Designate and put order to the surfaces of paths for pedestrians and traffic routes.

Disorder on working platforms, e.g. rubble and spilt mortar. Ongoing cleaning of working platforms of rubble and spilt mortar.

Problem : Falling items from a higher storey onto workers below

Questions / observations
Activities improving the state of OSH

Working simultaneously on several storeys in the same floor space (work post under work post). ODA Assignment of positions on individual storeys in various places of the floor plan; if it is necessary to work in the same area of the floor plan on different storeys, use protective roofing.

Lack of assigned danger zone for work performed at altitude. ODA Designation of a danger zone around the work area, while adhering to the wide of the zone being no less than 1/10 of the height from which there is a threat of items falling, but no less than 6 m.

Problem : Items falling onto people in the danger zone

Questions / observations
Activities improving the state of OSH

Lack of protective roofs over footpaths or their incorrect installation (width, strength). Produce appropriate roofing (of width greater than at least 1 m more than the width of the footpath or vehicle crossing), which is resistant to puncturing, fixed at a height of at least 2.5 m above ground level, sloping at an angle of 45° towards the source of danger.

Lack of appropriate lighting and marking of the danger zone. Appropriate (sufficient) lighting of the danger zone and its marking with warning signs.

Use of protective roofing as platforms or places for storing materials and equipment. Use roofing only for protective purposes in order to secure against items falling from above.

Lack of protective nets on scaffolding located at footpaths and vehicle crossings, e.g. streets. Use protective nets on scaffolding located at footpaths and vehicle crossings.

Problem : Eye injuries during manual and mechanical plastering

Questions / observations
Activities improving the state of OSH

Lack of goggles or the lack of their use by the workers.

Ensure that protective goggles are used during plastering, especially on ceilings.

Problem : Atmospheric discharges - injuries of those working at altitude, e.g. on balconies, scaffolding, roofs or cranes

Questions / observations
Activities improving the state of OSH

Are cranes, lifts and other vertical means of transport equipped with lightning conductors? Ensure that cranes, lifts and other means of vertical transport are protected from lightning.

Is the building equipped with lightning conductors (refers to tall buildings, which in particular does not stand among compact developments etc.)? Ensure the lightning protection of buildings in accordance with requirements and the connection of scaffolding to available natural or artificial earths or to the conducting structural elements of the building.

Is an absolute prohibition in force preventing work being carried out during storms on balconies, scaffolding, roofs, cranes etc. and in their vicinity? Prevent people from being on roofs, balconies and scaffolding set up externally to buildings during storms.

See also:


Module of the STER System supporting selection of personal protective equipment
