Department of Bioelectromagmetism - Projects
Projects List

Monitoring transposition of the requirements of directive 2004/30/EC on electromagnetic fields into Polish legislation

Project manager: Jolanta Karpowicz Ph.D. (Eng.)

Contractor: Krzysztof Gryz Ph.D. (Eng.)

Project summary:

The aim of the task was to monitor transposition of the requirements of Directive 2004/30/EC into the national system of assessment and supervision over workersʼ exposure to electromagnetic fields and to assess its harmonization with state-of-the-art knowledge on the effects of electromagnetic fields on the human body and further European standardization and legal regulations in this area. Carrying out this task involves participation in the work of the European Commission (EC) aimed at developing a new directive in this scope, which would supersede directive 2004/40/EC. Two meetings of the Group on Electromagnetic Fields of Expert Group for Physical Agents of the Interdepartmental Commission for Maximum Admissible Concentrations and Intensities for Agents Harmful to Health in the Working Environment were organized to analyse suggestions of changes represented by EC on the basis of long practical experience in Poland. Two opinions were developed and sent to EC; they support the initiative of developing an update that would improve directive 2004/30/EC and discuss the practical problems of implementing the requirements of directive 2004/30/EC, which had been identified since its development. The views of the Polish Expert Groups was also presented at working meetings of the Group for Electro-Magnetic Fields that operates at the Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work that had been set up by the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the EC.

Unit: Department of Bioelectromagmetism

Duration: 01.01.2008 – 30.12.2010