Department of Safety and Health Management - Projects
Projects List

Assessment of the national strategy in occupational safety and health with the use of Scoreboard

Project manager: Zofia Pawłowska Ph.D. (Eng.)

Project summary:

Guidelines for assessing the national strategy in occupational safety and health with the use of Scoreboard were prepared as was a Polish version of a questionnaire for the assessment. Information necessary for this assessment was gathered, too. A pilot assessment of the national strategy in OSH with the use of Scoreboard was conducted. It was then repeated, the preventive potential of Poland and other EU countries was compared. The results of the assessment show that Poland is among those countries in the EU, which carry out comprehensive, systemic actions aimed at implementing the strategies of the European Union on OSH. The results of the assessment and a discussion on that assessment at the meeting of the Labour Protection Council at the Sejm of the Republic of Poland made it possible to define the directions of improving national activities in OSH.

Unit: Department of Safety and Health Management

Duration: 01.01.2008 – 29.12.2010