Laboratory of Hand and Foot Protection - Projects

Application of biomimetic mechanisms to improve the adhesive and hydrophobic properties of polymeric materials for protective gloves

Project manager: Emilia Irzmańska PhD. (Eng.)

Project summary:

The objective of the project is to enhance the safety and comfort performance of protective gloves by improving their manual dexterity under unfavorable workplace conditions, and especially in contact with wet and contaminated objects, using functional superhydrophobic polymeric materials with a very large specific surface area capable of reversible adhesion.

The proposed solution is designed to provide both reversible adhesion (via a large number of contact points) and hydrophobicity (resistance to moisture). Reversible adhesion is important in preventing objects from accidentally slipping out of hand when they are being held or moved. The hydrophobic properties of the glove material will also facilitate the transport of harmful and hazardous liquids off the glove in the workplace.

The project innovation consists of the application of materials inspired by nature. The goal is to obtain protective gloves with very good superhydrophobic properties (contact angle of 150°) and exhibiting controlled adhesion. The project draws inspiration from the surfaces of lotus leaves, rose petals, gecko feet, and insect cuticles. Physicochemical properties will be optimized using suitable surface treatment methods (chemical, physical, and mechanical) implemented via microporous matrices produced by CNC technology.


The main elements of the project concerning the design of protective gloves with biomimetically improved functionality.



Unit: Laboratory of Hand and Foot Protection

Duration: 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2022